Sunday 15 June 2008

A Unicorn is Born

Lon has the Unicorn been an animal of myth, one we all know well as a horse with a horn in the centre of its forehead.

Today a nature reserve in Italy is claiming to have the first ever born Unicorn as a new born deer has just one single horn on the centre of its forhead rather than two horns a deer would normally have.

The deer is causing a stir in Italy with prominent people telling all of this unique deer such as the cries from Gilberto Tozzi, director of the Centre of Natural Sciences in Prato, near Florence who shouted "This is fantasy becoming reality,''.

Truth be told the deer has a condition causing this genetic flaw and some have said that this proves the mythical Unicorn born from days of old may have not been dreamt up but generated from such genetic disorders in animals years ago.

Saturday 7 June 2008

Bidding For Sex in Space

Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic has been inundated with enquiries from couples who want to make history and change the name of the "100 mile high" club.

Many couples have been in contact with Will Whitehorn, president of Virgin Galactic as they want to be the first to have sex in space!

With Virgin Galactic working on giving charter flights to space many couples are seeing this as the chance to have an out of this world experience by having sex on the journey while looking back at Earth.

Some couples have gone as far as wanting to make movies while up there and want to be the first so they can get in the Guinness Book of Records.

It is said that during the flight people will be weightless for a total of five minutes and Dr James Logan, an expert in the space medicine field said that weightless sex will not be as good as people think and was on record saying "Sex in zero gravity would more or less be a flailing exercise quite frankly. Sex in Martian gravity might be pretty appealing though.".

Sunday 1 June 2008

Japanese Woman Evicted from a Closet

A 58 year old homeless Japanese woman has been evicted from a closet, a very unusual story I must say but the real story is even more intriguing.

The 58 year old homeless woman was living on the streets of Tokyo, Japan when a year ago she found a house that the occupant had left unlocked. The 58 year old homeless woman decided to go in to the house and after being in there a short time could not resist staying in the warmth of the property.

Due to the occupant of the property still living in the house day in and day out the 58 year old homeless woman moved in to the top compartment of the man's closet!

The owner of the property did not notice he was sharing his property for about nine months until he started to become suspicious as food was disappearing from his kitchen. It took another three months before the owner decided to set up security hidden cameras that are motion sensitive and beamed any pictures directly to his mobile phone.

when the 58 year old homeless woman ventured out of the top compartment of the closet to get food the owner saw the pictures of someone in his property and automatically presumed it was a burglar so called the police. The police arrived at the property and looked around not finding anything, that was until they looked in the top compartment of the closet and found our homeless lady.

It later transpired that during her year of living in the property the homless woman had managed to bring a small mattress in to the closet compartment for comfort and was able to take regular showers and use the properties amenities when the owner was not around.

Police are still investigating how she was able to move in and out of the property freely without keys to open and close the entrance doors.