Sunday 15 June 2008

A Unicorn is Born

Lon has the Unicorn been an animal of myth, one we all know well as a horse with a horn in the centre of its forehead.

Today a nature reserve in Italy is claiming to have the first ever born Unicorn as a new born deer has just one single horn on the centre of its forhead rather than two horns a deer would normally have.

The deer is causing a stir in Italy with prominent people telling all of this unique deer such as the cries from Gilberto Tozzi, director of the Centre of Natural Sciences in Prato, near Florence who shouted "This is fantasy becoming reality,''.

Truth be told the deer has a condition causing this genetic flaw and some have said that this proves the mythical Unicorn born from days of old may have not been dreamt up but generated from such genetic disorders in animals years ago.