Sunday 23 March 2008

Crucifixion Health Warnings!

It may sound very strange but it is very true, the Phillipine government has issued a health warning on the dangers of Crucifixion!

So what is this all about?

Well at Easter a large number of Catholic worshippers in the Phillipines practise self flagellation and even go as far as to practise crucifixion to show their faith and to rid themselves of any sins.

The Phillipine government have issued warnings saying that those who partake in crucifixion this Easter should get tetanus injections before the day and also make sure that all nails are disinfected as the nails are normally left in alcohol for a whole year.

It must be said that those who are crucified do live through the process but will have scars on their hands and feet showing where the nails are driven through. The nails are hammered through areas where there is no bone as not to severely damage the person being crucified.

One gentleman, a fishermonger in the Phillipines, will be crucified for the last time this year, making it his fifteenth time. The reason he took to crucifixion was due to his mother managing to get better from Tuberculosis 15 years ago.

In another interesting turn for crucifixion Coca Cola...yes Coca Cola has sponsored an event where an improvised Golgothas (the Biblical name given to the hill where Jesus was crucified) has been erected for people to flagellate and crucify themselves.


Tara said...

What? You mean crucifying myself is dangerous? Dammit, you've ruined my plans for next Easter!