Friday 30 May 2008

Taxi Driver Gives Burgler Lift Home

Mr Shen, of Huainan city in China was working away in his taxi when a man hailed a cab. When he picked up the man he was surprised to find that the man had a lot of white goods with him and even a fish that did not have a tail that looked very similar to the one in his freezer at home.

Mr Shen took the passenger to where he wished to travel to and even listened as the passenger telling the story of him travelling a long distance from his home town on a bus.

Mr Shen finished his shift in his taxi and ventured home, it was only then that he realised the man who he had taken in his taxi had actually burgled HIS house, yes Mr Shen had become the getaway driver for the burgler of his own house!

Police later arrested a 56 year old man who now faces charges of burglary and theft.