Wednesday 7 May 2008

Ten Million Hiccups!!

Ten million hiccups, imagine hiccuping ten million times in 15 months and beiong a proffesional singer!

A twenty four year old British man named Christopher Sands is a professional backing singer who has had the hiccups for fifteen months. On some days he can hiccup every two seconds while he is awake.

Starting in September 2006 these hiccups have been the bain of Christophers existence with the only way to keep them away for a short period being to hunch his body in to a tight ball...which as you can imagine is not the most easy thing to do if your not in the comfort of your own home.

Christopher has decided to have an operation to stop these pesky hiccups as it is affecting his singing career greatly for obvious reasons.

So what is the reason this poor man is hiccuping so often? A faulty stomach valve is what the Doctors think so the operation that Christopher is having will be to create a new one that functions correctly.