Wednesday 28 November 2007

Economical over Ecological?

Well the title says it all, you all know the drill by now....we all live in a world that is besotted with the latest ideas that save time, money and of course make life easy. Can you hand on heart remember the last time you willingly paid more for a product that was ecologically friendly over a similar product that is more economical yet not friendly to our environment????

Nope didn't think so, out of every one thousand readers of this post (Yeah I wish, I know) I bet only a handful really think about our environment when they tootle down to the shops to buy a deodrant, washing powder or use a plastic bag for their groceries.

In a world that looks like climate change is seriously starting to affect us (look at the change in animal migration and our weather), isn't it time for us to all start thinking a little more about the environment before the whole it can cause on our wallet.

In fact scratch my comment about the wallet, why not just start small and recycle your empty bottles, newspapers and plastic grocery bags...... yes plastic grocery bags, you can use them again you know.

Some people may have got this far and are thinking "Hang on one darn second" if your American or "Hang on just one minute" if you British...hell even "izchakai edin moment" if your reply is..."You hang on one minute and think about our Mother Earth she will not last forever".

Did you know that in England alone in 2005/06 17.9 million tonnes of rubbish that cannot be recycled was disposed of in landfill sites...thats a staggering number given the countries size.

So my rant a side I really do think it is time for us to stop for just a moment and think about our environment and the simple changes we can accomodate in our lifestyles to support Mother nature