Tuesday 27 November 2007

Female bloggers....whats the deal?

The title might invoke anger to those who do not read further on. The truth is that I have seen a great deal of people talk about whether a female blogger are as good as a male blogger.....I just don't see where this comparison can come from.

How can the two sexes be compared in their blogs, I mean there are different levels of intelligence and education, different cultural backgrounds and different subjects talked about. Overall I cannot see how you can compare sexes when blogging.

I have seen many blogs written by females that are amazing and riveting to read while I have also seen dreary blogs that I would never visit again, but likewise I have seen the same from male bloggers.

Is this feminists trying to prove a females worth? Or is it males trying to establish themselves as the better sex? Either way it is something I hear about all the time, yet think is the most pointless conversation someone could have.

Blogs have been created by many people, both male and female, to pen their thoughts on the issues going on in today's world, anything from technology to their favourite football teams. Just because a blog is written by a female doesn't mean I should automatically think it is useless and shouldn't visit.

Did you know that entire threads on forums are given to this very same subject? With pros and cons thrashed out with no real outcome, WHY....I beg you WHY.....A good blog has nothing to do with the sex of a person.

By the way, this post was written by a man!