Monday 26 November 2007

A Racial Divide

Recently I was talking to some friends of different ethnic backgrounds when it became apparent that even in this day and age there is a divide in cultures.

By divide I do not mean there is a racist element splitting different ethnic origins so they cannot mix as friends. I am actually talking about parents forcing views on to their children about whom they can and cannot date.

It was surprising for me (a white European) to learn that although my friend’s parents do not mind the ethnic and cultural backgrounds of their friends, they are bound by parental control to the ethnic and cultural background of anyone they wish to form a loving relationship with.

One of my friends is of Indian origin and also practises Sikhism, due to this their parents and grandparents will not allow them to be with anyone other than someone of Indian origin who is also Sikh. Another of my friends is of Caribbean origin and they advised me that their mother would not be happy if they came home with anyone other than someone else of Caribbean origin.

While I understand that parents only want what is best for their children, I do not see how trying to safeguard a child’s future by drilling in to them that they have to marry in to the same ethnic group does this. This is the reason why there are ethnic divides, why can we not look past religion and skin colour to decide who we shall love and live our lives with?