Saturday, 15 December 2007

A changing life

Over the last thirty years the lives of everyone in the western world, lead by the US and the UK, has changed dramatically to the point that surveys are showing many people are not as happy as they once were....but why I ask?

Back in the 1970's people were alot happier than they are now yet did not have the luxuries we have today, we didn't have the appliances we enjoy or the money we make. There are many reasons why this is but the main reason for this is due to the governments, media and businesses of this world.

Back in the old days people lived in an environment that was more relaxed and less money orinetated than today. Today see's us running around in the rat race at such a fast pace because of the pressure put on us by the jobs we do, this means we do not have time to enjoy our lives to the full and when we do find time to spend enjoying ourselves we encounter another problem.

The other problem is the fact that we are conditioned from a young age by advertising, today it is shocking to see the amount of adverts that are put in the middle of football matches and eve childrens educational programs. These adverts push adults and children alike to buy "the next best thing" or "the tastiest burger the world has seen".

This leads me nicely on to the next part of todays problems, this problem is the fact that today sees us using credit more than ever before to buy all these wonderful products that we desperately need...although our parents and grandparents survived more than well enough without them. It seems that financial institues are more than willing to lend money more than ever before meaning we suffer the stress of having to pay back all the money we borrowed for luxury items that we really didn't need.

Back in the old days we were allowed to enjoy our lives without the pressure endured in todays societies and if the governments of today in the western world do not act then we could see a huge meltdown in todays society as people find it harder and harder to cope.