Sunday 16 December 2007

Make me a Muslim

Channel 4 in the UK is showing a three part series where it takes people and shows them Islam s o they gain a better understanding of the religion. The people chosen are from Harrogate, an area with a population of some 115,000 that only has less than 400 followers of Islam.

This program has already angered me. I have become frustrated and angry at the behaviour of the people who are looking to find out more about the Islamic faith but failing because of their narrow minded views.

One of the participants started arguing about Muslims trying to bring Sharia law in to the UK, have you ever heard this? I think not.

Since when have those that follow Islam ever tried to enforce there views on the people of Britain? Granted they do follow a lifestyle that is different to some and their views differ greatly when it comes to certain subjects but I have never encountered someone of the Islamic faith who has tried to push their view on me.

I have a great many friends who are Muslim and there is never an issue when it comes to religion or the fact that I like an alcoholic drink now and then. I feel it is the media that has created this society where alot of narrow minded individuals have given in to the incorrect information being fed to them through the power of television, tabloids and pub banter.

I do look forward to the next few episodes in this series to see if these individuals who have a total lack of respect for the Islamic faith actually start to see things differently.