Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Adolf Hitler Dolls For Sale

Adolf Hitler dolls could be hitting the shelves of toy stores near you!

Yes it's true, a Ukranian toy manufacturer is to start manufacturing dolls of the Second World War German dictator. The Hitler doll in question will be sixteen inches in height (thats a little over 35 centimetres) and will come with two clothing styles

  • Early Adolf clad in Jodhpurs and a brown shirt

  • Wartime Adolf clad in black trousers, a double breasted grey tunic and the coveted Iron cross

To take things a little further the Adolf Hitler doll will also come with Hitlers favourite companian, his alsation Blondi.

It will be interesting to see how well these dolls sell in the Ukraine and if they manage to become a childs commodity elsewhere!

The decision to make these Hitler dolls by a Ukranian toy company is quite unique as any positive depictions of the Nazi regime and images associated to the regime are illegal in this former Soviet country.

The company behind the Hitler doll are looking to have the dolls on the shelves of Kiev by the summer and to expand thereafter.


Taziuk said...

The source information upon which this article is based is false, anti-Ukrainian propaganda.

Who is this unnamed toy manufacturer? If these serious allegations are true, why are they not being named? The reason is that they don't exist. This doll is actually produced in Taiwan by the DID Corporation. The BBC have now publicly acknowledged that this story was false:

This doll has been on sale in the UK and the USA for some time already:


There is detailed information about how this story came to be twisted into a slander against Ukraine, one posted by the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group ( and a more detailed analysis by the Ukrainian Archive (

Further reading:

Mugshot said...

I have been hoodwinked..and do hereby declare that this story is a hoax.

Like the BBC and The Daily Telegraph the VVIDE has found the story of the Hitler doll to be false.

Due to this revelation I apologise wholeheartedly to anyone who finds this story offensive to the Ukraine.