Friday 25 April 2008

Romanian Electrician Stakes Claim for State Position

The title may not seem like much of a story but there is an interesting twist to this little piece of Romanian news.

Cornel Cernoschi, a Romanian electrician who found himself out of work decided to take a history course to prove his intelligence. After studying long and hard our Romanian electrician stumbled across some interesting ancestry about his family.

Cornel searched long and hard to find that he is related to a fifteenth century ruler of the Romanian province of Moldavia, this ancestors name, believe it or not, is Stephan the Great.

Since finding this information out our Romanian electrician has decided to stake a claim with the government to lands stolen from his ancestors many years ago. Cornel has even gone as far as taking the government to court demanding that he gets titles, land, a house, recognition as the heir to the region and other privileges that anyone of this position would have.

Cornel even stood in court and announced "I want to be granted a high state position to represent Moldova, as well as some kind of symbol of my status and worth - a manor house should do."

The court case is still ongoing and it will be interesting to see if our Romanian electrician ends up with what he feels he is entitled to...I feel it may be time to start researching my family ancestry!