Saturday 5 April 2008

Chinese Wounded Angel - Panic

A Chinese artist used his imagination and created an artistic piece called "Wounded Angels". What the artist didn't know was that his piece of art would cause widespread panic in the city of Shanghai that resulted in an elderly lady being rushed to hospital due to a heart attack brought on by the shock of the piece.

So what had everyone in a panic?

The Chinese artist in question had hung four mannequins with wings on their backs outside of skyscrapers. The problem was that early morning commuters mistook them for real people and thought they were ready to jump to their deaths.

The police received many calls about these "People" and rushed to the scene with firefighters to find they were just mannequins.

It seems that the artist in question did manage to engage an audience and really get people talking but it will be interesting to find out what will happen now after the widespread panic he caused.